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     [snips-users] rrdgraph.cgi graph readability

I was not satisfied with the readability of the graphs produced
by rrdgraph.cgi.  In the operations manual, the table refers to 
variables, value ranges and units.  I used the units there to populate
a hash.  Please accept my patch below for consideration
to incorporate into the next release of snips.

I expect that the hash should be included in a configuration file,
but did not invest the requisite amount of time to do it right.. sorry.

Tim Peiffer 	    	    	    	peiffer at nts umn.edu
Operations Manager - Engineering Automation
Networking and Telecommunications Operations
University of Minnesota                 +1 612 626 7884 desk
2218 University Ave			+1 612 625 0006 problems
           				+1 612 626 1002 fax
Minneapolis MN 55455, USA          

engineer8# diff rrdgraph.cgi.orig rrdgraph.cgi 
>   my %LABEL = ( 
>              "Bandwidth",  "0-100 percentage", 
>              "PktsPerSec", "Pkts Per Sec", 
>              "named-status", "SOA Avail T/F", 
>              "ntp", "Stratum", 
>              "ICMP-RTT", "msec", 
>              "ICMP-ping", "Pkts Rcvd", 
>              "WWWport", "Port/page Available T/F", 
>              "WWWspeed", "download time in msec", 
>              "radius", "Port Available T/F", 
>              "Thruput", "Kbps", 
>              ); 
>   my ($match, $label, $labelfound); 
>   foreach $match (keys %LABEL) { 
>     printf STDERR "examining match $match\n"; 
>     if ($imgfile =~ /$match/) { 
>       $label = $LABEL{$match}; 
>       $debug && printf STDERR "found label in %s -> %s\n",$match, $label; 
>       last; 
>     } 
>   } 
>                "--vertical-label", "$label", 

Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software