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     Re: [snips-users] error in log or where is a maintainer?

this is very old problem. It seems to me that SNIPS doesn't have a maintainer anymore (last 2 years).
IMHO the project should be moved to sourceforge and a new maintainer should be found.
otherwise it will slowly die (it may be dead already?).

PS: we are moving off of SNIPS because it's not maintained anymore.

Allan P. Magmanlac wrote:
Hi all,
Has anyone of you seen kind of log before this before. any ideas?
Fri Jan 10 10:42:38 2003 []: DEVICE VAR 41 50 LEVEL Error LOGLEVEL Critical
STATE down
I'm trying to find out what could have caused this.

Dmitry Sazonov x4168
UNIX sysadmin, AAMC

Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software