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     Re: [snips-users] SNIPS summary report cannot parse logs

Rick Frey said:
> Nate,
> I think the problem is due to using a later version of perl than the
> original logstats.pl was written for.
> I modified logstats.pl as follows (note added parens around SITE|DEVICE
> match).

the email munged up the patch but I think I was able to patch it
by hand..running logstats by itself does reveal more info:

./logstats.pl -f /var/www/critical.log
+1 Illegal Level (0=): Mon Mar  3 01:40:38 2003 [ippingmon]: DEVICE aphro VAR ICMP-ping 0 1 Pkts LEVEL Critical LOGLEVEL Critical STATE

+2 Illegal Level (0=): Mon Mar  3 02:18:31 2003 [rpcpingmon]: DEVICE aphro
aphro.aphroland.org VAR Portmapper 0 0 Status LEVEL Critical LOGLEVEL
Critical STATE down
(continues to display similar messages for each entry)

sounds like a more serious problem then I thought.

any ideas on this one?

thanks for the quick reply!!


Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software